Safeguarding Policy – City United Reformed Church

Safeguarding Policy Extract

City United Reformed Church encourages all individuals that use the building to play their part in:

  • creating and maintaining a safe environment for all, especially children and adults at risk, so that the dignity of each person is respected.
  • being informed about different forms of abuse and harassment and how to respond appropriately, making it clear that any abuse or harassment is unacceptable.
  • taking seriously any concerns, allegations or complaints of abuse and harassment and responding to them promptly, including reporting concerns to and cooperating with, the relevant statutory authorities.
  • caring for those who have been abused in the past.
  • offering pastoral support to people in the church who have been accused of abuse and those who are being investigated.
  • ministering wisely and providing supervision and support to those who have been perpetrators of abuse.
  • providing opportunities for all to flourish and journey towards healing.


City United Reformed Church agrees to:

  • recognise that the welfare of the child is paramount and that the priority is to always act in their best interests.
  • follow legislation, statutory guidance and recognised good practice as laid out in the United Reformed Church Safeguarding Policy and Procedure a copy of which is available from the Church Office.
  • safely recruit all those with any responsibility within the church.
  • ensure the relevant people undertake regular safeguarding training.
  • respond without delay to every complaint which suggests that a child or adult at risk has been harmed or is at risk of harm.
  • cooperate with the police, Children’s and Adult Services in any investigation.
  • work with those who have suffered abuse, offering appropriate pastoral support.
  • challenge any abuse of power, especially where the person is in a position of trust.
  • offer support and supervision to those known to pose a risk to children and adults.
  • report to the appropriate Councils of the Church.
  • review safeguarding policy and procedures annually.

These rights are inherent to all human beings, irrespective of nationality, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, language, sexuality or any other status

All concerns or allegations should be addressed without undue delay to City’s Safeguarding Coordinator, Nici and Bethan T.  If you do not have their details, they can be contacted via the ministers, elders or church secretary.  The full Safeguarding Policy has been approved and copies are held by the Church Secretary.

Reviewed and approved by the Elders March 2023

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