Worship at City URC

Our Sunday services start at 10:30am

Our worship is in the Reformed tradition, with emphasis upon the reading of the Bible and the preaching of the Gospel. Members of the congregation read from the Bible and lead prayers, as we seek to include within worship the needs and gifts of all God’s people.  We also sing hymns and include prayers from a variety of traditions, seeking to embrace new approaches.
Forthcoming services:
Services for April 2024

Sunday 28 April @ 10.30 am Cafe Church led by Revd Dr Jason Askew.  Jason is the URC National Synod of Wales Training and Development Officer
Sunday 5 May @ 10.30 a Traditional Worship including Holy Communion led by one of our Pastorate Ministers

Readings for April

Sunday 28 April Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 22:25-31 1 John 4:7-21, John 15:1-8

Freewill Offerings for the continuing work of the Church are collected in the Vestibule before the service. All gifts of talents, food and money are dedicated during the service.

Due to the energy situation you may find the temperature in the Church cooler this winter, we ask you to be mindful of this when choosing clothing.