This Sunday Beth Charles leads us in worship and we all also be giving thanks for our time with Matt and Raf and saying goodbye! Join us from 10.30 am with coffee, tea and fellowship afterwards.
We’re pleased to announce that Asylum Justice have guaranteed funding for a further three years! But every donation helps to support this vital work, if you can donate please do! Founded in 2005 they have gone from strength to strength and in 2010 they won the Community Project Awards.
Our Saturday cafe started back in December 2015 and has gone from strength to strength! Every morning we meet to chat, knit, meet and greet, drink drink tea and coffee and most importantly eat cake!
On Saturday 27th August we bid farewell to our French volunteers Matt and Raf who have been working with us for the past year. We welcome everyone to join us for a service at 4 pm to celebrate their time with us and also a year until their marriage. A bring and share meal and […]
Saturday 27th August Kathi (Chinese flute) and Raf (Violin) will be performing one final concert, in the Sanctuary, 11 am. For more information see our twitter page
We have an accomplished candle-maker in our midst! Shown is a photo of the first session with tutor at ‘Wax the matter’ – pretty impressive! Have you discovered who has this gift? A clue: they are used to lighting candles, often at the start of worship.
Nous sommes une Église ouverte à toutes celles et tous ceux qui franchissent nos portes, que ce soit par curiosité, par envie ou par habitude. Sentez-vous accueillis tels que vous êtes ! Vous ne serez jamais jugés quant à votre nationalité, votre couleur de peau, votre âge, votre orientation sexuelle, votre état de santé, votre […]