This Sunday we welcome City URC member Mrs Rhoda Henson who will be leading worship from 10.30 am. All are welcome to attend, a creche service is available.
A memorial service for Revd John Humphreys will be held at City United Reformed Church on Saturday 4th February, 1.45 pm. All are welcome, refreshments will be served following the service.
Thursday 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd 5.30 pm Escape into Advent Reflections for Advent with candles, music and images Sunday 11th December, 10.30 a.m. Gift service – please bring gifts of festive food and unwrapped toys, for Cardiff Women’s Aid Sunday 11th December, 6.30 p.m. LGBT+ Carols at Christmas, led by The Gathering Sunday 18th […]
Last Sunday we embarked on Just Trading Scotland’s 90kg rice challenge and commited to sell and buy 90kg of fairly traded rice from Malawi, that will help pay for a year’s education for a child in Malawi. If you would like to help us by buying some rice, or would like some further information on […]
This Sunday we welcome Mr Aled Pickard who will be talking to us about The Big Rice Challenge! Worship will be led by Revd Shelagh Pollard from 10.30 am.
It’s 11th November. What am I remembering today? I remember … The sacrifice of countless men and women in two world wars and many other conflicts since … Those who were physically, spiritually or mentally scarred by war, though not directly involved in it … Those who, through war, lost their homes, their livelihoods, their […]